Sunday, July 7, 2013

Max MoneyFlash - Cathartic Realization That SleepBlogging Is Not A Winner!

       Hello Thinksters. In the harsh light of the early afternoon upon my bloodshot, weary eyes looking over what combination of shades of olive drab and golden rust might best be suited to the capture of this log's essential spiritual raison d'etre which is of course in the words of the late great Frank Zappa "strictly commercial" I looked over the last post desperately searching for meaning especially in the parts where I fell asleep and awoke with my face resting (if one might call it that) hard upon the unyielding plastic keyboard. I was unable to find any meaning.
       Amongst the lengthy series of repeated letters broken occasionally by a few other different letters and then continuing on down the page to equally unyielding patches of space what appeared possibly most interesting were the words and their distortions as my slumbering face smashed into the keys. I have a friend whom I used to watch type so fast that when he fell asleep typing he would continue flawlessly on to write well into the substance of his dreams before his words ground to their inevitable (or so it seemed) halt. As I have demonstrated I am sure to everyone's satisfaction I must believe that I cannot do that.
      So Thinksters should you find some meaning or lack thereof worth sharing you are always welcome to do so wherever including here. Whether on page, stage or even on television I did warn persons who clearly expected to be censored that neither I nor my ultimate boss, be it editor, director, or producer, who was inevitably myself, was most rarely inclined to do so. And when I did not censor unfortunately some persons said or did things publicly from which they have wished (for the rest of their lives) they had refrained. 
     The one exception I can think of as to Max Money was the censoring of myself or perhaps ultimately a word of Jim Morrison of the Doors when performing a karaoke version of the Doors song "The End", copyright Jim Morrison/The Doors. I was smacked with the realization as I gazed out over the overflow outdoors rear dining plaza crowd at $2 margarita night at the Mexican restaurant in Texas that there were children there who were just too young to hear it, so I changed it to a guttural sound that I had heard him do himself on certain occasions in recordings of certain performances. Most people might tell you otherwise about Jim Morrison, but we so often speak of that which we do not know.
     Here in the preceding post Thinksters because I find especially maddening and entirely unenlightening the lengthiest series of the same letter filling screen after screen as I become more and more frustrated that my computer cannot get them to scroll away even faster I have deleted some of these with notation made. The same treatment I gave some of the larger blank spaces without apparent meaning other than aesthetic offense to the nearly universally held sense of what is fundamentally balanced and what is not.
       Finally a call to celebration as Blog To Get Rich should now have achieved reported visits of twenty persons since its initial publication, although at least fifteen of those admittedly may have been by yours truly by accident!
       Two views Max Money is especially super-excited to report are even from outside the United States and not even from North America so I know I did not make them except I did have this strange lapse recently where I suspected I may have been space-probed (yuck!), I believe Germany and Korea (although the latter may be one of the countries which has made the no-doubt wrenching decision to bar Max Money's internet presence) which makes them carry a great deal of weight according to one of my algorithms.
       I in fact do not even know what algorithms are other than that we need them or need to know them or something. Really I am a little confused how those foreign viewers even ended up on our site at this point. Oh well, there is something else for us to think about and assimilate. I know, four syllables, twice as many as Rick Per. . . . sorry I forgot for a moment that this is a non-partisan "how to" site. (That idiot).
       Finally, remaining Thinksters (I'll say) especially because of preparation for running advertisements or having created (b)logs for the express purpose of promoting particular commercial endeavors Thinksters who might be following along (or not along) with new (b)logs of their own perhaps newly inspired upon seeing the shambles of Max Money's work, it being apparent how easy it must be to do better, we all need remind one another that intentionally doing things that up our statistics that are prohibited are not going to be worth anything to us in the long run but just the opposite. Alright, then, blogstop!
Copyright 2013 MaxMoney All World Rights Expressly Reserved

Wherein Thinking People Reflect Upon Their "Participation" In This Proposition

    Well, thinkers have we been yearning amidst the hustle and bustle of the assault of daily life to get back to the "Place Where Thinking People Come To Think", I think? I thimaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak (more about this phenomenon) belowssssssssssssssssssssssssss (and this one)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                d (and that, more below) vis the tagline I created for this work (I vaguely recall that "taglinese ended a little sooner. Okay a lot sooner. By the time we came to the end I no longer believe the question mark was appropriate. I believe I started it as a question but could not recall what it was. Atgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg[hundredsdeleted]gggggggggggg
ttttttttttttttttttttteyyyyyyall.  Zilch. Nada. No.
     At any rate who said  to you on this daily life was an assault anyway? Please do not answer that. Max Money is not listening site. Nor tracking you on this site either. That would be on the "M

 Now He could not even track Himself if he wanted to track Himself. The royal "he".
     * Okay now starting here at the asterisk is where I woke up after I fell asleep. It would appear that that occurred just after I had written all the way through to the he ".... be on the 'M. . . ." No rather the ". . . royal he" directly above. The way that I know that I was asleep is because I was dreaming and awoke to people hollering outside in the alley good luck seven stories below my windows.
     Our "masterpiece" looks just as it did when I awoke with [delete] letter replacements. I thought perhaps aside from mining my dream for meaning, which I know has been and is big business for everyone from psychotherapists, to dllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, ah did it again! Anyway our gang of thinkers here no doubt knows better than I where we were headed with that lat ej, ah again, this seems to be the "fall asleep land". We better get out of here before we are abs. . . .
     Now that is true, every word of it. They appear to be homeless because they live in and around boxes and dumpsters down there from which the police periodically roust them altogether or visit to look through, and what else I do not know.  I am grateful that for the moment I am the one living seven stories up. Yes of course also that no had to or in any cas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss[thousandsdeleted]sssss                                                                df///// ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
                    So, ahem, as I was saying or about to say. Having made the decision whether one was participating in this    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,                     fdm, then it was time to get moving. Now there are any number of things to considered. Probablygrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Thatwazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[hundredsdeleted]zzzzzzzzzzzzzz      

Copyright 2013 maxmoney All World Rights Expressly Reserved

Friday, July 5, 2013

Welcome Thinking People To The Site Where Thinking People Come To Think

       I think. Yes, of course, to think about blogging to get rich. Hello I am Max Money, and I cordially welcome you to my website. I wanted to put a picture of a pile of gold bars in the "header" to my site. However I became bored and frustrated while trying to "grab" a picture from a group of stock images of gold bars since the best I could do was dump some text listing some of my favorite "blogs" which really was only an attempt to get some "backlinks" from a different project.
     Personaly I do not believe "blog" is a word nor do I wish to believe it is because it sounds so ridiculous. If the Oxford English Dictionary {O.E.D.) has recognized it as a word I will be distraught. Nor do I particularly want to look it up there on the internet to find out anyway as I do not want to believe that there is any way one can use the O.E.D. except the two-volume hardbound paper version on a pedestal viewing the small print with a magnifying glass.
     Okay thinkers enough with the diversions from the subject matter at hand. First if you are really serious about getting rich by writing a blog as in maybe just making some money to feed yourself or your family, please do NOT rely on this site for information. This site is more intended to be one on which we together embark and see if do get rich if we try. In other words I am not a blogged and got rich story.
     However. I have not really tried up to this point either. To the extent I have written it has not been with a focus on marketing, search engine optimizing (SEOing), algorithm or keyword hijinks, or any of that focus on manipulation rather than content. It has been to write and see if my audience comes back and grows of its own accord. I am just sorry that I have not had more time to give my readers more steady content.
     Wait, just about ready to change the channel fellow thinking people? Well, I gave my disclaimer and now I am telling you, I AM READY TO GO FOR IT, so if you are the curious type why not just come along and see what we can do. You can trust me that my money is starting at zero (that actually would be an exaggeration), and obviously my readership. Max Money just started one other blog and does have some readers on that (but no ads as yet) because Google got me so confused with its "Blogger" accounts that at first I unintentionally started the other now Max Money "Title" unknowingly with a connected account to the blog (yuck!) that already has some devoted readers.
     Anyway, if you are ready to play, by working,  I believe you thinking people by now have picked up on what we are setting out to do -- and that is to get MULTIPLE streams of income heading our way (meaning of course multiples which are comprised of a value greater than one!), and making as many of them different blogs as we can, since I would venture to say, we never can predict which one may hit a home run our way. (If only the officials at Ellis Island had not changed my family name from Google to Money. . . .).

p.s. Do not forget your keywords (Google calls them labels)

 Copyright 2013 maxmoney All World Rights Expressly Reserved