I think. Yes, of course, to think about blogging to get rich. Hello I am Max Money, and I cordially welcome you to my website. I wanted to put a picture of a pile of gold bars in the "header" to my site. However I became bored and frustrated while trying to "grab" a picture from a group of stock images of gold bars since the best I could do was dump some text listing some of my favorite "blogs" which really was only an attempt to get some "backlinks" from a different project.
Personaly I do not believe "blog" is a word nor do I wish to believe it is because it sounds so ridiculous. If the Oxford English Dictionary {O.E.D.) has recognized it as a word I will be distraught. Nor do I particularly want to look it up there on the internet to find out anyway as I do not want to believe that there is any way one can use the O.E.D. except the two-volume hardbound paper version on a pedestal viewing the small print with a magnifying glass.
Okay thinkers enough with the diversions from the subject matter at hand. First if you are really serious about getting rich by writing a blog as in maybe just making some money to feed yourself or your family, please do NOT rely on this site for information. This site is more intended to be one on which we together embark and see if do get rich if we try. In other words I am not a blogged and got rich story.
However. I have not really tried up to this point either. To the extent I have written it has not been with a focus on marketing, search engine optimizing (SEOing), algorithm or keyword hijinks, or any of that focus on manipulation rather than content. It has been to write and see if my audience comes back and grows of its own accord. I am just sorry that I have not had more time to give my readers more steady content.
Wait, just about ready to change the channel fellow thinking people? Well, I gave my disclaimer and now I am telling you, I AM READY TO GO FOR IT, so if you are the curious type why not just come along and see what we can do. You can trust me that my money is starting at zero (that actually would be an exaggeration), and obviously my readership. Max Money just started one other blog and does have some readers on that (but no ads as yet) because Google got me so confused with its "Blogger" accounts that at first I unintentionally started the other now Max Money "Title" unknowingly with a connected account to the blog (yuck!) that already has some devoted readers.
Anyway, if you are ready to play, by working, I believe you thinking people by now have picked up on what we are setting out to do -- and that is to get MULTIPLE streams of income heading our way (meaning of course multiples which are comprised of a value greater than one!), and making as many of them different blogs as we can, since I would venture to say, we never can predict which one may hit a home run our way. (If only the officials at Ellis Island had not changed my family name from Google to Money. . . .).
p.s. Do not forget your keywords (Google calls them labels)
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